Three JCSS Schools Named Math Leader Schools by GaDoe
East Jackson Elementary School, Legacy Knoll Middle School and West Jackson Middle School have been named Math Leader Schools by the Georgia Department of Education.
Math Leader Schools are recognized at the state level for understanding and demonstrating the fundamental importance of mathematics in students' educations and future careers.
East Jackson Elementary School was recognized for fifth grade Gateway Growth, while Legacy Knoll Middle School was recognized for high school achievement. West Jackson Middle School was recognized for sixth and seventh grade growth, eighth grade gateway growth, and high school achievement and growth.
Math Leader qualifications are based on students achieving the Proficient Learner level or above on the Georgia Milestones mathematics assessments. All three schools will be recognized with a Math Leaders banner by State Superintendent Dr. Richard Woods.
West Jackson Middle School was also named a Literacy Leader School for gateway growth in sixth grade and for growth in seventh and eighth grades.